




答:Barking dogsseldom bite. 吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)
Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)
Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残;同室不操戈
a cat-and-doglife 争争吵吵的日子 Dumb dogs aredangerous. 不叫的狗咬人 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞 go to the dogs 每况愈下 hang-dog look 愁眉苦脸 If the old dog barks, he give thecounsel. 老狗叫,是忠告
Love me, lovemy dog. 爱屋及乌 He is a luckydog. 他是个幸运儿
lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have adog's chance 毫无机会 top dog 当权派;头儿 treat sb. likea dog 不把某人当人看 a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog 懒汉 a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯 dog-daysn.[pl.] 三伏天, 大热天; 无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子 A good dog deserves a good bone. [谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏
A living dog isbetter than a dead lion. [谚]死狮不如活狗
A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] foundto beat a dog with. [谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞
An old dogbarks not in vain. [谚]老狗不乱吠; 老狗一吠, 就得小心
An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=Youcannot teach old dogs new tricks.) [谚]老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物
as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] Barking dogsseldom bite. [谚]爱叫的狗不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿
be (old) dog at (a thing) 对…有经验; 对…很内行 Beware of asilent dog and still water. [谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心静止的水
come like a dogat a whistle 一呼即来 Every dog hashis day. [谚]凡人皆有得意日
Every dog is alion at home. [Every dog is valiant at his own door.] [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶
Fight dog,fight bear. [谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄
Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hanghim). [谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉; 人言可畏
It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleepingdogs lie; don't wake a sleeping dog.] 别多事, 别惹麻烦
lead a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活 Scornful[Hungry]dogs will eat dirty puddings. [谚]人到危急时, 平时所不屑做的也要做; 急不暇择, 饥不择食
teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物 teach the dogto bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举) The dog returnsto his vomit. 狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西; 重犯旧日罪恶
A living dog isbetter than a dead lion. 一条活狗胜过一头死狮. The cat and dogmay kiss, yet are none the better friends. 猫狗可以相吻,但不会成为好友
Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞


答:a lucky dog :幸运儿 a yellow dog :可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a dead dog :1.废物 2.无用之人 a dull fish :言语乏味之人 a shy fish : .羞怯的人 a wise bird :一个明智的人 a beautiful bird :出类拔萃的家伙


答:1、In the year of dog,wish you eternal happiness with your family always.在狗年里,祝你全家喜气洋洋
 2、May you realize your ambitions in the year of dog.祝狗年大展宏图
3、May all your wishes be fulfilled in the year of dog.狗年万事如意
6、As the year of the dog arrives, I wish you peace, luck, and joy.狗年到,祝你狗年大吉,旺旺旺!7、May you be honored and exalted in life.做人旺上加旺
8、Enjoy lasting prosperity.事业旺,发大财
9、May your career paths be smooth.前程一路旺到底
10、Abundant fortune throughout the year!狗年发大财!11、Wishing you a dog year with profits pouring in, prosperity in business, and hassle-free work.祝你狗年财源滚滚,生意兴隆,工作顺利


答:it seems that dog is the best animal friend of people in the world.dog is natually friendly to people.1.A dog's nose and a maid's knees are always cold.(狗鼻子和少女膝盖总是凉的
) 2.Before you hit the dog, look at the master.(打狗看主人
If you beat a dog, you insult his master.) 3.When the dog is beaten, the lion is tamed.(狮子驯,狗挨捶
”也可以简单地说“兔死狗烹”,翻成英文是After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled.这里hound是猎犬,hare是野兔
hare的多数也是hare,有一种游戏叫hare and hounds,装兔的一边撤纸一边跑,装狗的在后面追
还有一句英文是Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.意思是跟兔子跑又跟狗迫,表示一个人骑墙滑头,两边讨好,两边都不得罪
) 4.He who has a mind to beat a dog,will easily find a stick.(想打狗的,不愁找不到棒子
) 5.Every dog has his day.是成语,但说成Every dog has its day and every cat its night.更有意思(每条狗都有它得意的一天,每只猫都有它得意的一晚上)
6.The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs.(我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗
说这句话的是法国名女人罗兰夫人(Madame Roland)
7.He that sleeps with dogs, must rise with fleas.(跟狗躺下的就要跟跳蚤起来
) 8.Dog won't eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.(狗不吃狗,但人吃人,cannibal是吃人肉的野蛮人,但文明人也“吃人”,吃法不同就是了


I look like a dog. But people and animals are all afraid of me, because I like eating them.(wolf.狼)译文:我看起来是只狗但是人和动物都怕我因为我喜欢吃他们2
It’s clouthed,but not a man. It’s four-footed,but not an animal.(玩具狗)It’s a toy dog (玩具狗)


答:As is known to all,dogs are huaman's best friends,they can be our cute pet too,so many people like them very much.The little dogs are very adorable.Some just have dogs for pleasure,and they even build house for their dogs.The dogs are human's best friends,for example.Some dogs are trained to catch bandits,some are able to guard our home.And if you are police,the dogs can be very helpful in many fields,because they have acute sense of smell.Moreover,if you walk the dogs outdoors at night,you will not feel afraid.


答:Dogs belong to the canine. When a dog follows its nose, it's actually being led by thee key senses. Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree. Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but it's also how canines make their long distance calls. Smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together. Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans. Through them the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million. It gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees. Flowers are irrelevant to a dog. So their scent is meaningless. But food is a serious matter. What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog. 狗 狗属于犬科劝物




答:Barking dogsseldom bite. 吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)
Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)
lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have adog'大热天;无精打彩的日子 A good dog deserves a good bone. [谚]好狗应该啃好骨头,A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] foundto beat a dog with. [谚]欲加之罪,何患无辞
An old dogbarks not in vain. [谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗一吠,An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=Youcannot teach old dogs new tricks.) [谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物
as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] Barking dogsseldom bite. [谚]爱叫的狗不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿
be (old) dog at (a thing) 对…有经验;对…很内行 Beware of asilent dog and still water. [谚]提防不吠的狗,小心静止的水
come like a dogat a whistle 一呼即来 Every dog hashis day. [谚]凡人皆有得意日
fight bear. [谚]打个青红皂白,Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hanghim). [谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声,他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏
It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleepingdogs lie;don'别惹麻烦
lead a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活 Scornful[Hungry]dogs will eat dirty puddings. [谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择,饥不择食
teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物 teach the dogto bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举) The dog returnsto his vomit. 狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶
A living dog isbetter than a dead lion. 一条活狗胜过一头死狮. The cat and dogmay kiss,ds. 猫狗可以相吻,欲加之罪,何患无辞


答:可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a dead dog:言语乏味之人 a shy fish:一个明智的人 a beautiful bird:出类拔萃的家伙


答:s knees are always cold.(狗鼻子和少女膝盖总是凉的
look at the master.(打狗看主人
the lion is tamed.(狮子驯,狗挨捶
兔死狗烹”翻成英文是After the cunning hare is killed“the hound is boiled.这里hound是猎犬”hare是野兔,hare的多数也是hare,装兔的一边撤纸一边跑
装狗的在后面追,还有一句英文是Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.意思是跟兔子跑又跟狗迫,表示一个人骑墙滑头,两边都不得罪,will easily find a stick.(想打狗的,不愁找不到棒子
) 5.Every dog has his day.是成语,但说成Every dog has its day and every cat its night.更有意思(每条狗都有它得意的一天,每只猫都有它得意的一晚上)
the more I admire dogs.(我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗
说这句话的是法国名女人罗兰夫人(Madame Roland),她后来被老同志害死了
must rise with fleas.(跟狗躺下的就要跟跳蚤起来
劝人交朋友要小心,)(你养小狗要注意替它们捉跳蚤”并问清楚该怎么给它们洗澡,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.(狗不吃狗


答:it seems that dog is the best animal friend of people in the world.dog is natually friendly to people.1.A dog's nose and a maid's knees are always cold.(狗鼻子和少女膝盖总是凉的
) 2.Before you hit the dog, look at the master.(打狗看主人
If you beat a dog, you insult his master.) 3.When the dog is beaten, the lion is tamed.(狮子驯,狗挨捶
”也可以简单地说“兔死狗烹”,翻成英文是After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled.这里hound是猎犬,hare是野兔
hare的多数也是hare,有一种游戏叫hare and hounds,装兔的一边撤纸一边跑,装狗的在后面追
还有一句英文是Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.意思是跟兔子跑又跟狗迫,表示一个人骑墙滑头,两边讨好,两边都不得罪
) 4.He who has a mind to beat a dog,will easily find a stick.(想打狗的,不愁找不到棒子
) 5.Every dog has his day.是成语,但说成Every dog has its day and every cat its night.更有意思(每条狗都有它得意的一天,每只猫都有它得意的一晚上)
6.The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs.(我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗
说这句话的是法国名女人罗兰夫人(Madame Roland)
7.He that sleeps with dogs, must rise with fleas.(跟狗躺下的就要跟跳蚤起来
) 8.Dog won't eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.(狗不吃狗,但人吃人,cannibal是吃人肉的野蛮人,但文明人也“吃人”,吃法不同就是了


答:because I like eating them.(wolf.狼)译文:我看起来是只狗但是人和动物都怕我因为我喜欢吃他们2
It’s clouthed,but not a man. It’s four-footed


答:and they even build house for their dogs.The dogs are human'because they have acute sense of smell.Moreover,you will not feel afraid.


答:but it'forty times more than in humans. Through them the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million. It gives the dog:is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog. 狗 狗属于犬科劝物

作者: 遛狗小编





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